This is an all-day webinar class and each person may opt to receive a thick, printed Course Book in addition to having the PDF version of the Course Book emailed to him/her.
You will learn the Basics of Judgment Enforcement:
– The Structure of a Judgment
– How to find Judgments to Enforce
– Assignment of the Judgment
– Investigating the Judgment Debtor
– Developing an Enforcement Strategy
– Procedures for: Writ of Execution, Earnings Withholding Order, Bank and Other
Levies, Keepers and Till Taps, Debtor’s Examinations
– Courtroom Etiquette
– Debtor’s Rights & the FDCPA
– Setting Up Your Judgment Enforcement Business
– Marketing & Advertising
Class Presenter: Gretchen Lichtenberger
– This program is a prerequisite for CAJP Regular Membership status.
Costs for First-Time Attendees, per person:
CAJP Members and their guests: $100.00
Non-CAJP Members: $125.00
-The cost for each First-Time Attendee includes a newly updated 2020 PDF version of the Course Book emailed to each such paid attendee. If any class attendee prefers a newly updated 2020 hard-copy printed version of the book mailed to him/her, there is an additional $45.00 cost and registration must be no later than September 23, 2020 if ordering a printed version of the book to allow time for printing and mailing of the hard-copy book. All registrations after September 23, 2020 will not be able to order a printed version of the book and will only get a PDF copy of the book emailed to them.
Costs for Retake Attendees, per person:
If you have taken the Judgment Enforcement Fundamentals Class previously and would like to re-take the Class, you may do so by paying only this reduced cost:
CAJP Members: $25.00
Non-CAJP Members: $50.00
-Retake Attendees do not receive a PDF copy of the Course Book by email because they already have their Book from the previously taken Class.
-All registrants will be emailed the link to sign on to the webinar the day before the Class. All registrants are strongly encouraged to click the link in said email and get signed on to the webinar between 8:30 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. the morning of the Class to make sure your system is working properly and you can connect. There will be no one to help with technical difficulties after the Class begins.
– Any problems registering, please email Gretchen Lichtenberger at
9:00 am - 5:00 pm PST