CAJP 2nd Quarter Board Meeting 10 am online

You are cordially invited to attend the CAJP Board's 2nd Quarter Board meeting. If you have something to add to the agenda, please contact one of your Directors at Large before end of the day on Wed. April 7: either Mark Schulman or Jamie Shelton, who will get it added to the agenda. Participation for non-Board members will be reserved until the end, except for those with an agenda item, who may speak to that item. Anyone making reservations should make them by end of the day (8 pm Pacific Time) on Friday, April 9th, and you will be sent a link to the meeting. We will not be taking any reservations after that. Thank you!

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
  •  04/10/2021
     10:00 am - 1:00 pm