Judgment Enforcement Fundamentals Class

This Class will only be held virtually and is not recorded or available for viewing after the event. Each person registering will be emailed a PDF version of the Course Book two days before the Class. However, any attendee may opt to purchase, well in advance, a hard-copy Course Book to be mailed to attendee via Priority Mail.


At the Class, you will learn the Basics of Judgment Enforcement:

  • The Structure of a Judgment
  • How to find Judgments to Enforce
  • Assignment of the Judgment
  • Investigating the Judgment Debtor
  • Developing an Enforcement Strategy
  • Procedures for: Writ of Execution, Earnings Withholding Order, Bank and Other Levies, Keepers and Till Taps, Debtor’s Examinations
  • Courtroom Etiquette
  • Debtor’s Rights & the FDCPA
  • Setting Up Your Judgment Enforcement Business
  • Marketing & Advertising


Class Presenter: Gretchen Lichtenberger

– This Class is a prerequisite to attain Regular Membership status in the CAJP.

Costs for First-Time Students, per person:

CAJP Members and their guests{CAJP Members must log into his/her/their Members Only profile on CAJP’s website to register for the event in order to get the Member price.}

  • Early Birds:   $100.00, price available through March 31, 2023
  • Late Birds:    $125.00, price available April 1-April 20, 2023
  • Later Birds:   $150.00, price for April 21, 2023 registrants

Non-CAJP Members:

  • Early Birds:   $125.00, price, available through March 31, 2023
  • Late Birds:    $175.00, price, available April 1-April 20, 2023
  • Later Birds:   $200.00, price for April 21, 2023 registrants


Price to purchase a Hard-Copy of the Book:     $75.00, purchase available until

March 31, 2023

Costs for Retake Students, per person:

If you have taken the Judgment Enforcement Fundamentals Class previously and would like to re-take the Class, you may bring your Course Book from your previous Class and pay only this reduced cost:

CAJP Members and their guests{CAJP Members must log into his/her/their Members Only profile on CAJP’s website to register for the event in order to get the Member price.}

  • Early Birds:   $  25.00, price, available through March 31, 2023
  • Late Birds:    $  50.00, price, available April 1-April 20, 2023
  • Later Birds:   $  75.00, price for April 21, 2023 registrants

Non-CAJP Members:

  • Early Birds:   $  50.00, price, available through March 31, 2023
  • Late Birds:    $  75.00, price, available April 1-April 20, 2023
  • Later Birds:   $100.00, price for April 21, 2023 registrants


– Any problems registering, please email Gretchen Lichtenberger at justicemattersnow@yahoo.com or call her at (805) 642-7368

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
  •  04/22/2023
     9:00 am - 5:00 pm